
Thursday, September 19, 2013


Members of Congress (you know who you are and SO DO WE) I want to thank you for:
1. Voting DOWN gun laws that gave the Navy Yard shooter weapons to kill 12 mothers, fathers, children, aunts, uncles, grandparents and siblings. Their BLOOD is on your hands.
2. Threatening to take away the only way the REST of us will get Healthcare...our DEATHS are in your hands.
3. Threatening to SHUT DOWN government again, Sequestration created HAVOC with our economy, I can only imagine what the cuts that a segment of the Government wants to make in the name of "Budget Control" it is in actuality cutting expenses the money used to take care of Roads, Bridges, Tunnels, Subways, Infrastructure, Police Depts, Fire Depts, Teachers, the Military (our security), Clinics, those things We The People use, but they don't. You all HAVE private security, private schools, can call up the military at your whim, have expensive Insurance for your health, homes & vehicles, and have the use of private planes.
4. For creating a system that allows Billionaires to pay their employees a Poverty Wage, and for Sympathizing with them when they whine about paying for Benefits.
5. For allowing a "Tax Holiday" become a labeled a "Tax Hike" when and if reinstated, and allowing Tax Shelters here and abroad while the rest of us would get JAILED for Tax Evasion for deducting an extra pair of socks.
6. For allowing WOMEN to make 75 Cents on the Dollar to men, I know there is no WAR on WOMEN. but there sure as heck is a BLOCKAIDE.
#1...DO IT: vote for reasonable gun controls that would save lives. (PS: In case you are concerned, the largest list of guns owners is in the possession of the NRA.),
#2...DON'T DO IT: Gdive us all the same chance President Bush had when they caught a Heart Problem in his annual check up. Most of us cannot afford an annual check up, ZPack or time off work, so it won't be caught early.
#3....DO NOT DO IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE: while you all were screaming at each other from your Italian Leather seats and in your $1000 suits, trying to decide which of your 3 homes to vacation at, we were loosing jobs, having pay checks cut by 14%, barely making the house payment and having to drop our insurance that we could not afford.
#4...MAKE THE CORPORATIONS PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE: INCREASE MINIMUM WAGE, REQUIRE BENEFTS FOR ANY CORPORATIONS TAKING FEDERAL MONEY. by the way, did you know that: Walmart received: aprx. $51 million in the state of California, and aprx. $142 million for the state of Texas are two examples. So they don't pay their fair share of taxes, pay unfair wages, don't provide poor employee benefits AND take taxpayer money to increase their already incredible wealth. We the People sure pay a lot for the Waltons to LIVE WELL, AND LIVE LARGE..

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