
Friday, June 7, 2013


 Enough is are all so transparent. When you loose an election or are fighting for your seat, you create crises that are not. The people want: more teachers, police officers, better roads, good paying jobs, we don't care whether you win or loose, do your job, the one we hired you for: the above mentioned tasks and you will win no matter what your "corporate sponsors" tell you. Stop...laying games, start behaving like high paid professionals that know what their job is and do it. Ryan wants to cut the budget to the bone, much deeper than Sequestration could every cut, and already in all our neighborhoods and towns, school teachers are being fired, schools closed, where, in the poorest of neighborhoods, do you all in Congress care, no, your kids are in private school, doesn't affect you. Our police depts are being cut, where are the cuts, poor neighborhoods with crime, do you care, no, you live in pristine areas with security, doesn't affect you. Social Security, privately funded, being threatened, who, those who made $10-$20 an hour will have to live on $15k per year, do the math, doesn't make the bills, oh yeah your social security is on top of your pensions, double pensions and interest and dividend incomes, doesn't affect you, besides after making about $160k you didn't pay into social security to help keep it solvent. Oh yeah and you help mom out.....doesn't effect your family. Cuts in budgets have left our infrastructures in dire need of repairs, roads causing blown tires & accidents, bridges colapsing, oh yeah, you take a private plane, doesn't affect you what do your care, you don't. I am lucky to pay $500 per year on replacing cothes, shoes etc., searching sales, coupons, thrift shops that's right, you pay $500 for one pair of shoes, oh yeah, doesn't affect you. My family has a disabled child, and gets questined when they spend $20k per years on his expenses through a trust, oh yeah you make $10,000 bets over campaign issues, doesn't affect you. College debt, thousands of dollars with interest rates that can double the bottom line, oh yeah your kids got to private, schools and the best colleges, doesn't affect you. Who is getting the best paid jobs, your kids with their Ivy league educations. Now why are you in Washington? to represent who? and whos interest? The rich get richer through getting the best education, jobs, and through who you know....exceptions to the rule are way under 1%.  So stop playing us and work for us. We don't want our money spent on investigations that are bogus. We don't care who mis-spoke on talking points with Condoleezza Rice, and manhy others lied about weapons of mas-distruction, no one went to jail or got gutted on a confirmation...politics and games. We don't want IRS investigations, make the rules and stick with them, IRS has had issues on many adiministrations, we all know that, so move on and quit spending tax payer money on bogus investigations.  Those yelling the loudest are those that need to be asked a lot more questions than the IRS ever asked.  These are political pacs hiding behind "tax exempt charity vehicles to buy their poison advertising and spread it throughout the country.  These groups are allowed to participate in politics, so long as politics do not become their primary focus. What that means in practice is that they must spend less than 50 percent of their money on politics. So long as they don’t run afoul of that threshold, the groups can influence elections, which they typically do through advertising.  A lot. And much of is being dished out by conservative groups. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, conservative nonprofits spent more than $263 million during the 2012 campaign, while liberal counterparts spent close to $35 million.  Crossroads GPS, the conservative group co-founded by Karl Rove is one well-known example. On the other end of the political spectrum is Organizing for Action, which is what President Obama’s campaign operation turned into after the 2012 election. Often, organizations will have multiple arms, including a nonprofit and a super PAC. American Crossroads, for example, is a super PAC affiliated with Crossroads GPS.  This is NOT what non-profits were originally set up for.  So, since those in Congress think it is a good idea to look into the questions asked by the IRS of those applying for the Tax-Exempt status....maybe the conservatives weren't really singled out, maybe there are more of them applying???   The tax exempt status needs to be the way it was set up originally, for churches & charities whose primary purpose is charity. The politically motivated and hidden groups need to pay taxes, those that cry foul the loudest are bunch of political packs wanting to funnel money willie nillie, without disclosure to the American people,  using the money to influence and buy the voting public. Then last but certainly not least, the outcry for the government collecting phone records & emails in order to keep us safe.  Let's face it they do not have the time or money to look through each one.  They are looking for patterns that would indicate a potential link to a terrorist group or plot.  Well, they can even listen to my calls, read my emails, they are certainly, if nothing else, boring.  I have nothing to hide and if it keeps us safe, more power to them.  The ones that have the most to risk are those in power who DO have something to hide, and they can't help themselves, they have to chat about it and write about it.  It is time to call you ALL out and tell you DO YOUR JOB stop making up problems, your jobs are to solve them.

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