
Friday, September 20, 2013


Enough is Enough, the American People voted for President Obama who ran on the Affordable Health Care system in order to allow the rest of us to have healthcare. Obviously many of you have NOT done the numbers on the average family, your focus is still only on those with money to spare. After paying for housing for a home you would not consider living in, utilities, a car you would not consider driving, car insurance, clothes you would not consider wearing, food you would not consider eating, repairs, school supplies, TP,PT.....You are first on the podium to pound your first and demand Healthcare be repealed and we go back to the system of being gouged for insurance, turned down for treatment because of pre-existing conditions, and waiting in long lines at the emergency room. Who do you represent? The insurance companies who do not want to compete for fees? Why is Healthcare going up, try looking at an insurance bill, cotton balls $20, one aspirin $5 and you want to continue feeding this monster?

You are the first to pound your fist on the podium insisting the bums getting food stamps work for the food stamps by doing community service. Do you even know who receives Food Stamps. You talk about the 1 guy you heard about who buys sushi with his food stamps (ps I know you don't know this, but they sell pre-packed, not the great, not fresh sushi at the grocery store). Most of the Families on Food Stamps are there because they work for a company like Walmart, who takes pride in paying their employees $10 an hour to support their family.

Here are the numbers, because I know you haven't even thought about this.
At $10 an hour (which is 30% higher than the Minimum Federal Wage:
$20,800 GROSS income is $per year
- 5,200 minus for Fed+State Taxes
- 10,800 minus for housing
- 3,600 minus for utilities
- 1,800 minus for car payment
$ - 600 ...oops $600 in the RED.....
- 800 minus for car insurance for 2 cars
- 1,000 minus for clothes for a family of 4 (stop laughing)
- 400 minus school supplies 2 kids
- 1,500 basic cable and Internet service
- 960 minus basic cell phone for 2
- 10,400 minus food & incidentals I know people like you pay this much for one of your catered dinners,
- 500 minus car & home repairs repairs
- 16,500 minus $16,000 average cost of basic health insurance for family of 4,

So, the average family has to make $53,460 to make this work
$53,460 GROSS income per year would require $13,365 for Fed & State taxes or $8,165 more =
$61,625 GROSS income per year to break even which is: $29.62 per hour....

Well now, what company do you know that is paying this hourly wage, even for those who have been on the payroll for years? The government is one, and you all want to shrink government so that those employees can go out into the "Free Market" and compete for that $10 an hour job so the Walmarts of the world can continue earning Billions. This family has to have 2 working in the family and a second job for one of them....and you all want them to fit in COMMUNITY SERVICE. I don't even have childcare plugged in if the Mom has to work. Are you all OUT OF YOUR MINDS, OR JUST DON'T CARE. Those you have convinced you are right have not done the numbers either. Let's be clear, it is not just Walmart, the average the average Retail Worker at Apple is $24,772 ($11.91 per hr), the average maid earns $26,000 per year ($12.50 per hr), the average police officer earns $32,000 per year ($15.38 per hr), the average Firefighter earns $40,000 per year ($19.23 per hr),the average waitress $26,000 ($12.50 per hr), the average Hotel Clerk $45,000 ($21.60), the average secretary $31,000 ($14.90 per hr), The average salary for a nurse is $66,000 ($31.73 per hr), Social Worker makes between $54,000 ($25.96 per hr), the average electrician earns $43,000 per year ($20.67 per hr), the average plumber earns $27,000 per year ($12.90 per hr), the average teacher earns $52,000 per year ($25 per hr),.....if you notice no one qualifies to pay the bills in this group.

The 2013 increases are lower than in many previous years, undercutting claims by critics of President Obama’s healthcare law that the 2010 legislation is dramatically driving up costs. Nor is there much evidence that many employers are dropping coverage -- 57% of firms with at least three employees offered health benefits in 2013, according to the report by the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research & Educational Trust. The report’s authors noted that is “statistically unchanged” from 2012, when 61% of employers offered health benefits, and 2011, when 60% of employers did so.

The average family has at least 2 jobs and if they need Food Stamps, the audacity to suggest that they need to go out and do community service for the food is insulting and degrading. Most of us work hard, have little time for play and certainly no money, and already volunteer when we can, give that $1 every time they buy something at the grocery store or food for their pet. So, Mr. Have All the Answers, who is going to pay for the health insurance.....YOU??? Senator Cruz, the loudest of you, wasn't even born in this country, was born to parents working in the OIL industry, did I say that loud enough? We know where your loyalties lie, those who work in the oil industry, make tons of profit, don't want to give up any money for taxes that might support infrastructure and take tax payer money as subsidies for to add to their greedy profits. We know you all keep harping on the fact that these people need to continue on their Tax Holiday (paying more would not be a tax increase, it would be paying what they actually owe. I think at these salaries they can afford it. In 1965, U.S. CEOs in major companies earned 24 times more than an average worker; this ratio grew to 35 in 1978 and to 71 in 1989. The ratio surged in the 1990s and hit 300 at the end of the recovery in 2000. The fall in the stock market reduced CEO stock-related pay (e.g., options) causing CEO pay to moderate to 143 times that of an average worker in 2002. Since then, however, CEO pay has exploded and by 2005 the average CEO was paid $10,982,000 a year, or 262 times that of an average worker ($41,861). While CEO pay spiraled out of control, worker pay was largely stagnant for decades. Average hourly earnings for production workers in 2001 were 9 percent lower than their 1973 peak, adjusting for inflation.
Members of Congress made 9 times as much as minimum wage workers in 1968 and 14 times as much today. In 1997, when the minimum wage was last raised, to $5.15 an hour, members of Congress earned $133,600. Since then, they've increased their pay by $16,400--much more than minimum wage workers earn in a year. Unless the Senate blocks it, Congressional pay will rise from $150,000 now to $155,000 in January 2003.

These are the people ie: companies you are supporting not those above:

Company Employee pay ratio
1. Tim Cook: Apple CEO: $378.0 M/$ 60,400 6,257%
2. Mike Duke, Walmart CEO $ 17.6 M/$ 22,100 796%
3. Gregg Steinhafel: Target CEO: $ 19.0 M/$ 29,500 645%
4. John H. Hammergren: McKesson CEO: $ 32.1 M/$ 59,900 536%
5. Alan Mulally: Ford Motor Co CEO: $ 29.5 M/$ 64,700 456%
6. Jamie Dimon: JP Morgan CEO: $ 23.1 M/$ 52,500 442%

1. Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway CEO $492.0 K/$46,800 11%
2. Steve Ballmar, Microsoft CEO $683.0 K/$110,000 13%
3. Charles Haldeman Jr: Freddiemac CEO: $3.9 M/$ 82,100 47% (replaced)
4. James Sinegal, Costco CEO: $2.2 M/$ 45,800 48%
5. Michael Williams, FNMA CEO: $5.3 M/$ 93,200 57%
6. Michael Dell, Dell Inc. CEO: $4.3 M/$ 76,800 57%
(according to

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