
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Enough is Enough....$24 Billion Tax Payer Dollars is enough, stop the games, the investigations, the ridiculous committees and allow them to fix the problem. You all act like you never heard of a site crash before!! But we know better, you are doing what you do best, creating a problem where there is none.

ACA SITE: $285 million unique visitors per month:
(based on 9.47 million visitors in the first week)

AMAZON: 250 million unique visitors per month:
Site crashes & problems:
Aug 19, 2013 ...'s website went down.
Aug 25, 2013 ... Amazon's unit that runs Web servers for other companies had problems.
Jan 31, 2013 ...'s homepage returned after a rare outage that left the siteinaccessible.
Oct 22, 2012 ... Some of Amazon's servers — the crucial backbone for a number of popular Web and mobile services — were offline.
Apr 28, 2011 ... In addition to taking down the sites of dozens of high-profile companies for hours (and, in some cases, days).
Apr 22, 2011 ... Customers gripe that Amazon didn't isolate parts of its data centers from each other as promised.
Dec 26, 2012 ... Every time I use to purchase items, the site crashes.

Ebay: 210 million unique visitors per month:
Site crashes & problems:
Sun, 10/27/2013 Summary, Screen, Date, Comments. unable to access ebay for days , request times out.
Nov 24, 2009 ... eBay, the online auction giant, is facing a substantial compensation bill after its site crashed over the weekend, leaving sellers out of pocket.
Aug 23, 2013 ... BBC Ebay users are reporting issues using the auction website following routine ... " Anyone else having problems with eBay today.
Jun 12, 1999 ... Ebay's stock was a big loser on Nasdaq today, falling $16.8125 to close at $165.875. The auction site, which had also gone down earlier.
Nov 24, 2009 ... EBay promises compensation after website crash The site was down for several hours on Saturday, causing vendors to lose sales.
Nov 23, 2009 ... Millions of online shoppers were left unable to search for items on thewebsite following the computer system failure.

Oct 26, 2011 ... For the second time in six weeks, Target's website crashed Tuesday, and that is scary news for any major retailer heading into the holiday
Nov 25, 2011 ... In the run-up to this holiday shopping season, Target has had several ...Website crashes have been a big embarrassment to the company.

Best Buy:
Nov 19, 2012 ... Best Buy Co. Inc.'s e-commerce website crashed briefly on Monday amid heavy pre-holiday traffic

Twitter: 200 million
Aug 28, 2013 ... "No Twitter user information was affected by this incident," it said. A day after the Times' Aug. 14 crash, the SEA also took down the websites
Aug 19, 2013 ... Amazon, the global retail website, went down on Monday afternoon, triggering a slew of reactions on social media sites, namely Twitter.
Aug 31, 2013 ... Later during the day, Twitter also experienced some hiccups on itswebsite.
Jun 21, 2012 ... Thursday's crash was extensive enough that Twitter didn't even display its famous "Fail Whale" error message.
Jun 11, 2010 ... This has been a week of crashing websites. ... First it was Twitter, which had "site availability issues" on and off this week.
May 27, 2008 ... Twitter admits that it doesn't really know what the hell is wrong with it.

Other sites crashes:
Aug 14, 2013 ... Journalists on Twitter noticed the site was not loading shortly after 11:00... No word on whether site outage is result of hack or server crash.
Aug 14, 2013 ... The Times website and its mobile app both crashed around noon today
Sep 20, 2013 ... N.J. state websites crash amid network problems. nj-state-website-crash-network -problem.JPG
Oct 17, 2013 ... The NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) website is intermittently crashing
Jun 25, 2009 ... And that caused big problems for a lot of huge websites today with the news of his passing. TMZ, Perez Hilton's Blog, the LA Times & CNN.


1. Tickets for London 2012 Olympics Available for Purchase: In June, the Olympic committee announced 2.3 million tickets were available for purchase for the 2012 London Olympics. Excited fans rushed the site to find a "Sorry, we can not process your request at this time" message because the website could not handle the rush of visitors. London has gone to extraordinary lengths to win and host the Olympics, only to have its website crash when it opens its doors to the public.

2. New York City Offers Government Website for Hurricane Irene: The New York City website crashed amid overwhelming visitor volume encouraged by Mayor Michael Bloomberg who strongly urged the public to use the website for information on Hurricane Irene in August. More so than any other city in the world, you would think that New York City would be most prepared to extraordinary events?

3. Launches Missoni Collection: The much-anticipated launch of the Missoni Collection at Target in September was a huge failure when the site crashed due to high traffic, rendering the entire website inoperable for hours. Target experienced a repeat crash performance six weeks later when another rush of visitors hit the site. Target has stunning marketing, but surely having their website fail during such a high profile event isn't part of their plan?

4. Apple Launches iPhone 4S: In early October, iPhone 4S became available for purchase at the Apple Store. Huge spikes in website traffic throughout the day either downed the site or slowed it considerably, effectively halting tens of thousands of new phone purchases. While everyone was hoping for the iPhone 5, surely Apple had enough confidence in the 4S to prepare for enormous interest?

5. Bank of America Announces Monthly Fee for Debit Card Purchases: Bank of America's website slowed considerably for five days in October when it was hit hard by customers flocking to the site after the banking giant announced it would be charging a $5 monthly fee for account holders who make purchases with their bank debit cards. While Bank of America could not have imagined the worldwide "Occupy" movement stemming from this announcement, the company had to have spent enormous time considering the public response — but not the potential traffic to their website?

6. Disney Store Launches Limited Edition Princess Dolls: crashed repeatedly due to high visitor volumes when it launched its limited edition of its princess dolls collection in October. Even the world's most amazing merchandiser can get caught off guard with a potential hit on their hands. Simple proactive testing for enormous peak loads for an expected "big seller" and this situation would be easily avoided.

7. H&M Launches New Versace Collection: Shoppers looking to purchase the new Versace Collection from H&M's website in November were greeted with a message saying "We’re sorry, we are experiencing large number of visitors at the moment, please try again later." "Try again later" is the last thing this retailer's avid fans want to read. Most of its designer lines are smash hits. When will the company come to understand its fans, and prepare its website for outstanding sales and interest?

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