
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Congressional Hypocracy.............

The Hypocrisy of Congress never ceases to amaze me.    There are Members of Congress hiding their agendas deep inside Farm Bills, voting to keep the minimum wage at under $8 per hour, then take away any assistance for those making $8 to continue to work in their factories, clean their homes, and take care of their children.  In July Congressman George Miller, democrat from California, developed a report of the 14 Republican Members of Congress that voted to keep their own Farm Subsidies while NOT extending the Aid for 47 million American, Low-Income Families, called SNAP. 
These 14 members of Congress are all Republican, have a total net worth of up to $124.5 million, have received at least $7.2 million in farm subsidies and voted to gut the SNAP program by giving states incentives to kick families off the SNAP program.
SNAP families are limited to an income below the Federal Poverty line ($19,520 for a family of 3).  (The average SNAP household has a gross monthly income of only $744, their average SNAP benefit is $281 for a month, most of us spend that for groceries in a week. 
These are the 14 Members of Congress that voted to receive their own Farm Subsidies with tax payer dollars and 13 of them voted to cut $40 billion in food stamps and kick $4 million off the SNAP program:
1.  Rep. David Valadao:  Republican/California:  voted FOR the Farm Subsidies, but against cutting food stamps (the only one).
2.  Rep. Robert Aderholt:  Republican/Alabama:  voted FOR the Farm Subsidies, and cutting food stamps.  Total Farm Subsidies received: $207,426,  Net Worth $506,019 to $5,815,999.
3.  Rep. Blake Farenthold:  Republican/Texas:  voted FOR the Farm Subsidies, and cutting food stamps.  Total Farm Subsidies received $1,205,  Net Worth $9,659,099 to $38,785,999.
4.  Rep Stephen Fincher:  Republican/Tennessee: voted FOR the Farm Subsidies, and cutting food stamps. Total Farm Subsidies received $3,483,824, Net Worth $1,149,999 to $204,995.
5.  Rep. Vicky Hartzler:  Republican/Missouri:  voted FOR the Farm Subsidies, and cutting food stamps.  Total Farm Subsidies received $516,000, Net Worth $2,218,026 to $13,854,995.
6.  Rep. John Kline:  Republican/Minnesota:  voted FOR the Farm Subsidies, and cutting food stamps.  Total Farm Subsidies received $6,546, Net Worth $248,009 to $645,000
7,  Rep. Doug LaMalfa:  Republican/California:  voted FOR the Farm Subsidies, and cutting food stamps.  Total Farm Subsidies received $1,710,385, Net Worth $1,268,007 to $5,596,000.
8.  Rep. Tom Latham:  Republican/Iowa:  voted FOR the Farm Subsidies, and cutting food stamps.  Total Farm Subsidies received $313,776, Net Worth $2,315,174 to $7,650,167.
9.  Rep. Frank Lucas:  Republican/Oklahoma:  voted FOR the Farm Subsidies, and cutting food stamps.  Total Farm Subsidies received $40,613, Net Worth $264,990 to $1,059,995.
10. Rep. Cynthia Lummis: Republican/Wyoming: voted FOR the Farm Subsidies, and cutting food stamps.  Total Farm Subsidies received: $14,289, Net Worth $7,252,036 to $30,584,999.
11. Rep. Randy Neugebauer: Republican/Texas:  voted FOR the Farm Subsidies, and cutting food stamps.  Total Farm Subsidies received $4,32, Net Worth: $6,560,080 to $19,129,998.
12. Rep.. Kristi Noem:  Republican/S.Dakota:  voted FOR the Farm Subsidies, and cutting food stamps.  Total Farm Subsidies received $503,751, Net Worth $464,992 to $674,999.
13.  Rep. Marlin Stutzman:  Republican/Indiana:  voted FOR the Farm Subsidies, and cutting food stamps.  Total Farm Subsidies received $196,268, Net Worth $14,019 to $1,082,995.
14. Rep. Mac Thornberry:  Republican/Texas: voted FOR the Farm Subsidies, and cutting food stamps.  Total Farm Subsidies received $29,775, Net Worth $241,007 to $580,000.
If that wasn't enough dish of Hypocrisy, John Boehner has been working diligently to retain the millions of Taxpayer dollars used to subsidize the heath care of members of Congress and their Staff.  Additionally Democratic Congresswoman Jackie Speir, found that a member of Congress was given $127.41 per day for his trip to Argentina, another given $3,588 for food and lodging on a trip to Russian, another traveled to Dublin, getting $166 per day for food, not paying a dime of their own money, and received $200 for a single meal for themselves.  These same people cannot find it in their hearts to help the most vulnerable of our friends, family, neighbors, children, the elderly and the working poor who receive less than $10 per day to feed a family of 3.  Ron Shaich, the founder, of Panera bread has decided to take the "SNAP CHALLENGE" and is living on $4.50 per day.  He says "you think of food constantly, you are always hungry.  But those on Food Stamps live on $4.50 every day, not for one week, for long into their future.  That is so crushing."

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