
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Enough is Enough....wasting time & money

Enough is Enough:  Again, those in Congress, most notably the House of Represtatives, havew proved yet again, they had no clue why they were hired by us.  theya re to make life better for us, the taxpayers, the citizens, using our collective money, aka taxes, to benefit the whole.  It proves yet again to me, that Term Limits is NOT the answer to our Congressional woes.  When we find great CEO do we get rid of them after a short time of smooth sailing and profitable quarters...I think not.  Can you imagine, getting a program up and running smoothly and then having the next wave of Politicians answering to such groups as the "Heritage Foundation" instead of the people, dismantle the program because it was not their program.  We would have a long line and many years of mediocre Congressional Hits and Misses, constantly in the "Learning Curve" of government, landing on IED's planted by the opposing group, OMG.

These 'Newbees" in the Senate are like willful Teenagers who wore down their parents (the senior members) to give them keys to the Maserati, having little experience driving, and not understanding the Power in their hands.  The don't know the rules of the road, don't care, decide to take a road trip, don't know how to work the navigation system, and end up in a very deep ditch.

Now the they are taking up the "Mantle" for the website glitches on the ACA.  Obviously they have no clue how sites work.  1.  Volume: they biggest problem is the number of people trying to access the site at the same time.  It is like our roads where 4 lanes of traffic get funneled into 2 lanes through a tunnel.......backups for miles and miles.  2.  Integration:  Trying to integrate vast amounts of information, so that the complex formulas work properly (obviously they have never written a formula in an Excel spreadsheet).  3.  Use Error:  I don't know how many times I have had to fix a computer problem for a friend or co-worker because they "put in mis information, the wrong information or hit many wrong keys."
5.  Too many to list.....they just need to be Given the Time to find, and fix the problems.   Getting the best in the business to come up with solutions that make sense for the volume of people, many with limited computer skills, keeping it simple, and putting it in the cloud, what a concept.

Mr. Cuccinelli in Virginia needs to STOP asking for the resignation of Kathleen Sebelius, a person who is doing their best to SOLVE the problem not EXACERBATE the issue for Personal, Political gain "The Virginia attorney general said the law was "the hallmark of a reckless federal government that has lost its way,"   If he wants her to be fired, then he should be fired agree to step down and not run for Governor of Virginia, as he has been an embarrassment to the State of Virginia along with his buddy Governor  Bob McDonnell for taking inappropriate gifts, both being investigated by the Virginia's inspector general's office and  is investigating whether one of Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli's assistants improperly offered legal advice to two energy companies, including a subsidiary of a corporation that has donated more than $100,000 to Cuccinelli's gubernatorial campaign.  Read more: us: @ABC7News on Twitter | WJLATV on Facebook

In case these brilliant Congressional Minds don't know they might want to do some research instead of just talking from the Political Play Book they have been given.  (For example:  Even though everything they actually do, proves they do not have the best interest of women, the poor, minorities and children, the PLAYBOOK has all their candidates framing their Political News clips, speeches, town hall meetings with black women, and young people, will see, I first noticed in our local advertising, then in the national candidates appearances).

Besides the most recent in Facebook and Twitter, The following high profile events and related website crashes made the list:
1. Tickets for London 22 Olympics Available for Purchase: In June, the Olympic committee announced 2.3 million tickets were available for purchase for the 2012 London Olympics. Excited fans rushed the site to find a "Sorry, we cannot process your request at this time" message because the website could not handle the rush of visitors. London has gone to extraordinary lengths to win and host the Olympics, only to have its website crash when it opens its doors to the public.

2. New York City Offers Government Website for Hurricane Irene: The New York City website crashed amid overwhelming visitor volume encouraged by Mayor Michael Bloomberg who strongly urged the public to use the website for information on Hurricane Irene in August. More so than any other city in the world, you would think that New York City would be most prepared to extraordinary events?

3. Launches Missoni Collection: The much-anticipated launch of the Missoni Collection at Target in September was a huge failure when the site crashed due to high traffic, rendering the entire website inoperable for hours. Target experienced a repeat crash performance six weeks later when another rush of visitors hit the site. Target has stunning marketing, but surely having their website fail during such a high profile event isn't part of their plan?

4. Apple Launches iPhone 4S: In early October, iPhone 4S became available for purchase at the Apple Store. Huge spikes in website traffic throughout the day either downed the site or slowed it considerably, effectively halting tens of thousands of new phone purchases. While everyone was hoping for the iPhone 5, surely Apple had enough confidence in the 4S to prepare for enormous interest?

5. Bank of America Announces Monthly Fee for Debit Card Purchases: Bank of America's website slowed considerably for five days in October when it was hit hard by customers flocking to the site after the banking giant announced it would be charging a $5 monthly fee for account holders who make purchases with their bank debit cards. While Bank of America could not have imagined the worldwide "Occupy" movement stemming from this announcement, the company had to have spent enormous time considering the public response — but not the potential traffic to their website?

6. Disney Store Launches Limited Edition Princess Dolls: crashed repeatedly due to high visitor volumes when it launched its limited edition of its princess dolls collection in October. Even the world's most amazing merchandiser can get caught off guard with a potential hit on their hands. Simple proactive testing for enormous peak loads for an expected "big seller" and this situation would be easily avoided.

7. H&M Launches New Versace Collection: Shoppers looking to purchase the new Versace Collection from H&M's website in November were greeted with a message saying "We’re sorry, we are experiencing large number of visitors at the moment, please try again later." "Try again later" is the last thing this retailer's avid fans want to read. Most of its designer lines are smash hits. When will the company come to understand its fans, and prepare its website for outstanding sales and interest?

Coke, SodaStream & the 13 Websites That Crashed During Super Bowl 2013
BBC website crash leaves millions without on-demand, news July 12, 2012
Massive Server Crash Knocks Out CloudFare Leaving 785K Websites Down March 4, 2013

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