
Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Seems that President Obama's greatest mistake has been "Doing the Right Thing" which is not politically correct.  He has tackled "Healthcare" no one else did, not because it was doable, but because it was politically incorrect...difficult...had so many components that could go wrong....make the Politician who initiated look bad....but it was the "Right" thing to do.  A leader must be able to lead through divisiveness, cruel  words, unfair, often untrue accusations, and still do the "Right" thing.  It is easy to be "Popular" but it does not courage.

It has been obvious through the past 5 years who is "Doing the Right Thing" and who is "Being Political Correct."  Watching those we have elected to represent and serve all of us, doing a Daily Routine of Political Correctness, in order to serve  the few who have lined their political pockets.  They are serving the wrong master, the masters of Millionaires, Moguls and Media, instead of the people.  It does not matter who voted for who, they represent us all, and "Will of the People" should not be manipulated or ignored.

President Obama has worked tirelessly to represent all people, the poor and disenfranchised, which has not been "Political Correct", but "Morally right."  It has made him a target of those who wish to continue the long rein of Billionaires hoarding money and power.  The criticism of the ACA website is a prime example.  It has proved these same people rarely use the Internet, they have people who do that, otherwise they would know that Internet Explorer is constantly crashing, a program that has been in use for many years.  The MLS system that has been in place for decades is being revised, the new version will be the only "website" the working Real Estate Agent will be able to use as of January.  It is filled with quirks, does not do everything the old system does, is more cumbersome, and you have to use three (3) count them (3) browsers to do all the functions the old system did with one (for those of you in Congress, a "browser" is short for web browser and is a program that accesses and displays files and other data available on the Internet and other networks).  So every time they use this as a major problem, they show their ignorance.  Yes, it needs to operate well, but absolutely no site operates perfectly, all the time, or even most of the time.  Try getting onto and using the Fantasy Football or Fantasy Nascar sites.  Every page takes forever to load, using all the tools are impossible because the page either spins indefinitely, reloads to another page or shuts itself down.   

It has pulled back the veil of secrecy, and reviled those living with bigotry and self indulgence operating within the structure of the People"s Government, while criticizing, disparaging, and attempting to dismantle, under the guise of reducing it's size for the sake of efficiency.  These same people are preparing to use the Government by taking the money and benefits, while serving their true Masters: Billionaire Corporations who have funded their Careers in "Government" through Super Packs (money that is sheltered by non-profit, which they are not, money that is not taxed, additional funds missing from our tax base).  It will be a matter of time before those Corporations will be taking the jobs that have been lost through government cuts, creating even more Corporate profits, in order do the jobs that were once belonging to the "People."  

If this New Wave of Congressional Carnivores have their way, they will be the ones making the money on building roads, bridges, infrastructure and passing the cost on to the middle class taxpayer.  They will do away with minimum wage, taking many people deeply into poverty, while cutting those services that help the poor.  Bringing those who have funded Social Security, from earning a below living wage, too poor to save money, into retirement with an income that cannot sustain anyone, with no assistance for food, shelter, heat or any of the basics We the People deserve.  They complain that "They" are supporting the lazy that won't work, when the "Truth" be known, most of those on Assistance are working 2 poorly paid jobs.  So, what does this mean for those who working for the people being paid by the people.  What is the pay going to look like for our Police officers, Teachers, Park Rangers,  Firemen & women?  Who will want to work for below Poverty wages while putting their lives on the line, and working in difficult invironments? Who will want to go off to Afghanistan to dodge IED's and artillary in order to live in Poverty? What will happen to all of the "Rest of Us" when those in charge do not care, do not serve us, but serve their Millionaire Masters?  

When did it become the norm to have the owners of the company stop paying profit sharing, stop paying benefits, and start collecting profits as though it was a God Given Right?  When did it become OK to pay a Movie star Millions for one movie, while charging the $10 an hour worker $40 for a movie for a family of 4, and $40 bucks for "food?"  When did become common to pay an athlete Millions per year, plus endorsements, while they behave badly, take drugs and charge a family of 4 well over $400 for average seats, parking $65 (the seats are over $600 each)?

President Obama is not unlike the new Pope who is being criticized for going to the poor and serving as God would want all of to do, again not politically correct for him either....mmmm somehow Politics makes people do the "Correct" thing not the "Right" thing.

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