
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Letter to the President

What I would like to say to the President: Dear POTUS: Please STOP apologizing, why should you apologize for a website not functioning, just get the best to fix it. I don't understand why you should have to make any bargains with the insurance companies that have charged us to much, raised our rates, denied us coverage and made decision as to whether we get medical treatment or not is ludicrous.  I am appalled at the so call "Democrats aka: Gutless Wonders, have run for the nearest exit, to support those who DO NOT have the American People and their best interest at hearts.  Instead, acknowledge the site is not working as it should, it will be fixed, hire the best (maybe Bill Gates & friends) and move forward.  Do not let the Rich Republican Renegades take any of your power.  They accuse you of not being a Leader, show them you ARE the leader of the free world.  You take a back seat so that the Republicans don't reject ideas just because it is you...we all know what that is about, time to CALL THEM ON THEIR STUFF.  They won't like it, but that means they are not accomplishing their goal, which is not to represent the people, but to discredit your entire Presidency.  DO NOT LET THAT HAPPEN.

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