
Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Just some thoughts, when I hear that the "Liberals" are trying to take from the "Poor Rich people" I think they forget how they got rich.  It is kind of like insurance companies, they like to take your money, but not to give it back.

The wealthy like to take our money but they don't like giving any of it back, through decent wages or tax revenues. Please note all but one came from wealthy familes, most of which made their money back in the early part of the last century.   Here are some actual facts about the 10 wealthiest in the US:                                                      
“We have learned to turn out lots of goods and services, but we haven’t learned as well how to have everybody share in the bounty. The obligation of a society as prosperous as ours is to figure out how nobody gets left too far behind.”    Warren Buffett (the 2nd wealthiest person in the world).

1. Bill Gates (Over $76 Billion):   Son of a prominent Attorney & Director of 1st Interstate BancSystem: Went to school at Harvard then started his own software company. Makes his money on products & services "the Poor & Middle class" buy, use, help to make and sell. Gives back through many charities.

2. Warren Buffett (Over $58 Billion):  Son of a 4 term Congressman and Stock Brokerage Firm owner:  Made his money investing and forming partnerships in textile manufacturing selling products "the Poor & Middle class" buy, help to make & sell.  Gives back through his Foundation, Omaha's Building Bright Futures initiative promised financial support to low-income students in the area who wanted to attend college. But the Buffett program is offering help across Nebraska.  During a presentation to Georgetown University students in Washington, D.C. in late September 2013, Buffett compared the U.S. Federal Reserve to a hedge fund and stated that the bank is generating “$80 billion or $90 billion a year probably” in revenue for the U.S. government. Buffett also advocated further on the issue of wealth equality in society: “We have learned to turn out lots of goods and services, but we haven’t learned as well how to have everybody share in the bounty. The obligation of a society as prosperous as ours is to figure out how nobody gets left too far behind.”

3.  The Koch Brothers (over $80 Billiion): Sons of a chemical engineer: Make their money through their father’s wealth & companies and now selling products that "the Poor & Middle class" buy, use, help to make & sell.  Their father, in 1927, developed a more efficient thermal cracking process for turning crude oil into gasoline which allowed smaller players in the industry to better compete with the oil majors. The larger oil companies quickly sued in response, filing 44 different lawsuits against Koch, and embroiling him in litigation for years. Koch was to prevail in all but one of the suits (which was later over-turned due to the fact that the judge had been bribed).  This extended litigation effectively put Winkler-Koch out of business in the U.S. for several years. Koch turned his focus to foreign markets, including the Soviet Union, where Winkler-Koch built 15 cracking units between 1929 and 1932. The company also built installations in countries throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia.  In the early 1930s, Winkler-Koch hosted Soviet technicians for training:  went on to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), earning both a bachelor's (1962) and a master's degree (1963) in chemical engineering. He is a member of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity.  Made their money from their father who was an American chemical engineer and entrepreneur who founded the oil refinery firm that later became Koch Industries and now.  Give back mostly to the arts, since 2000, David H. Koch Charitable Foundation has pledged or contributed more than $750 million to cancer research, medical centers (he is a cancer survivor), educational institutions, arts, cultural institutions, and public policy studies, aka Politics.  (His father was one of founders of the John Birch Society).

4.  Sheldon Adelson/Las Vegas Hotels ($38 Billion):  The son of  Sarah (née Tonkin) and Arthur Adelson, a Ukrainian Jewish, who drove a taxi, and his mother ran a knitting shop.  Makes his money through those who work at his casinos and hotels, "the Poor & Middle class" buy, help to service, run & buy his service.  He owns the Sands Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, the Sands Expo and Convention Center.  He gives back through Adelson Family Foundation, which was established in 2007, and the Adelson Medical Research Foundation. The former works to strengthen the State of Israel and the Jewish people, while the latter focuses on healthcare.

5.  The Walton Family/Walmart (over $140 Billion): The sons & daughters of: A mortgage man, working for his brother's Walton Mortgage Company, which served as an agent for Metropolitan Life Insurance where he repossessed farms during the Great Depression, with the help of a $20,000 loan from his father-in-law, plus $5,000 he had saved from his time in the Army, Walton purchased a Ben Franklin variety store in Newport, Arkansas a franchise of the Butler Brothers chain. Make their money on products & services "the Poor & Middle class" buy, help to make and sell.

6.  Michael Bloomburg/xMayor NYC (Over $33 Billion): The son of, William Henry Bloomberg (1906–1963), was a real estate agent and the son of Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, an immigrant from Russia:  attended Johns Hopkins University/electrical engineering:  Makes his money a bulge-bracket Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank and given a $10 million severance package, currently: business information, delivered as quickly as possible and in as many usable forms possible, via technology to Wall Street, Merrill Lynch, again selling products that "the Poor & Middle class" buy, use, help to make & sell.

7.  Larry Page/Google: (Over $32.3 Billion): The son of Carl Page, a Ph.D. in computer science, considered a "pioneer in computer science and artificial intelligence." Both he and Page's mother, Gloria, were computer science professors at Michigan State University.  Went Stanford University,  makes his money as co-founder of Google and through selling products and services that "the Poor & Middle class" buy, use, help to make.

8.  Jeff Bezos/Amazon: (Over 32 Billion): The son of Jacklyn (née Gise) and Ted Jorgensen. His maternal ancestors were settlers who lived in Texas, and over the generations acquired a 25,000 acre ranch near Cotulla. Bezos's maternal grandfather was a regional director of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in Albuquerque,  attended Princeton University.  Makes money selling products and services that "the Poor & Middle class" buy, use, help to make.

9.  Sergey Brin/Google: (Over 31 Billion):  Born in  Moscow.  Son of Russian Jewish parents, Michael Brin and Eugenia Brin, both graduates of Moscow State University.   His father is a mathematics professor at the University of Maryland, and his mother a researcher at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.  Brin attended grade school at Paint Branch Montessori School in Adelphi, Maryland.  Makes his money as co-founder of Google and through selling products and services that "the Poor & Middle class" buy, use, help to make. (through advertisement on site).

10. Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook: (Over 28 Billion): The of son of dentist Edward Zuckerberg and psychiatrist Karen Kempner. Attended Harvard University.  Makes his money as Face book and through selling products and services that "the Poor & Middle class" buy, use, help to make (through advertisement on site).

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