
Wednesday, August 13, 2014


We need to have a Women President, and I do mean a qualified one.  Hillary may be that woman.  Since the 50's the rights of women and minorities has not changed, laws made, rules created, but we are in the same boat and moving backwards.  We need to take off our political labels and ask ourselves what do we as a Nation, as Human Being, as a part of Humanity need and want.  Then vote for the "person" who will fight for those things for us.  We all deserve a comfortable, happy life.  It is ok for some to have more than others, but the world has become a world have huge differences, of those who have wanting, no demanding more, and those without, struggling not having enough time or resources in order to get more.  I have noticed in the highest paid sectors, the entertainment industry pays outrageous money ($1 million dollars and episode?) for an actor, sports $73 million per year, and the list goes on.  Those who say that anyone wants to take from the rich to give to the poor are kidding themselves.  The Rich took from the poor in order to keep them by poor by virtue of paying low wages to work for them, then the double whammy, raising prices on their goods and services to get even more profit from those same people.  We need to be a fair and equitable society before it is too late.  Profits and wealth are like an addiction, the more they get, the more they want and there are those that continue to empower and enable their addictions.

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