
Monday, January 19, 2015

What would you like to see President Obama say during Tuesday's State of the Union Address?

Time to "Call out" the GOP they say the middle class has not improved during this Administration ..the right question is WHY NOT? Who voted down increasing the minimum wage? Who voted No Tax cuts for the middle class? Who wants to dismantle Affordable Healthcare? Who wants to cut Medicare benefits (this impacts seniors & Their Families that have to take up the slack)? Who wants to cut the Federal budget in which would but jobs within the Federal Government throwing unemployment back into the private sector and into a Tailspin? How do we make Obama look bad? Make the next 2 years ineffective, unproductive & taking the "Forward" steps back.. If you have to be born in the US why are the willing to put up a Canadian born with a Canadian citizenship for the election process? Where does wealth come from? If there is not enough money to pay the bills where do we get the money to put into savings or a "privately funded" retirement account???? The money we earn from our employers so why do they keep what we help them earn and they "keep" what is rightfully a living wage? Why to they consider a living wage to be money being "Taken" from them? They say their "New" focus is uplifting the middle class.....the BIG QUESTION??? HOW??? They talk about "doing" but when it comes down to how they accomplish the goal, it never supports the working poor, ever. How many people in their circle work 2 jobs and are still living below the poverty line?? When was the last time they had to decide between a meal and medication? What income do they BELIEVE the average person earns and why do they think that can actually pay the bills? OK I guess that will do it.

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