Voting for Trump because he is NOT a "Politician" is
like Hiring a plumber to write your will because he is NOT an
"Attorney" and NOT part of the Establishment. I believe it is NOT the
establishment which is the villain but the Abuse of Power & Pursuit of Power
that lies at the feet of Political Chaos. Trump has been buying & selling
Politicians & business leaders for years. He is NOT self funded but
funded by the Media who has given him FREE coverage for his entire Campaign.
He & his family have businesses created through Trump's Father &
his kids are consumers & providers of "Stuff" for the wealthy.
How does that make him "Better" than Politicians many whom have had to
work their way up the Political ladder putting in countless hours of hard work.
Many, like Hillary, were not born with a silver spoon (Trump a platinum spoon) but had to work their way up from doing
volunteer work to where they are today.
Voting for a wealthy, foul mouthed Billionaire is hardly an "Answer" to Fair Wages, Affordable Healthcare, Great Education for all, Safe Affordable Housing & Social Security that is above the Poverty Level. We don't need Promises that won't materialized and those that DO NOT help "We the People" in our everyday life. His life has been filled with accumulation & if it did NOT work out he just threw the project away or declared bankruptcy & moved on. His understanding of how a country should be run is "colored" by his Business Ventures, which, have not been "Stellar" littered with multiple bankruptcies & Projects that had to be closed down. (Bankruptcy is NOT just a "Good Deal" with a Banker but "We the Taxpayers" pay for his Mistakes as it is passed on from the businesses that were also "shorted" in "The Deal." His "Judgment" ie: investing in Casinos is poor, most of which are still struggling. His idea of "listening" to the people is getting advice from his wealthy counterparts or "backing" with the likes of White Supremacist groups, Jesse Ventura (conspiracy theory net worth $6 million), Willie Robertson (Duck Dynasty net worth $20 million), (Shawn Hannity (Conservative radio personality net worth $35 million) Putin, Carl Ichan (corporate raider net worth 21 Billion), Sarah Palin (ex VP Candidate net worth $12 million), Veterans for a Strong America (has $30 in cash on hand, and $318 in debts. run by Joel Arends. It has been reported that Veterans for a Strong America is part of a "broader independent campaign by nonprofits linked to former Koch brothers operative Sean Noble," who runs the political consulting firm DC London. The group was formerly registered as a tax-exempt 501(c) ("social welfare") non-profit organization, but the group's status was automatically revoked by the IRS in August 2015 because it failed to submit tax reporting documents (Form 990s) for three years in a row. The group is appealing the decision. He previously worked as the South Dakota field director for the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign and as a consultant to the Americans for Prosperity group, affiliated with the Koch brothers. VSA has been described as a dark money group).
Voting for a wealthy, foul mouthed Billionaire is hardly an "Answer" to Fair Wages, Affordable Healthcare, Great Education for all, Safe Affordable Housing & Social Security that is above the Poverty Level. We don't need Promises that won't materialized and those that DO NOT help "We the People" in our everyday life. His life has been filled with accumulation & if it did NOT work out he just threw the project away or declared bankruptcy & moved on. His understanding of how a country should be run is "colored" by his Business Ventures, which, have not been "Stellar" littered with multiple bankruptcies & Projects that had to be closed down. (Bankruptcy is NOT just a "Good Deal" with a Banker but "We the Taxpayers" pay for his Mistakes as it is passed on from the businesses that were also "shorted" in "The Deal." His "Judgment" ie: investing in Casinos is poor, most of which are still struggling. His idea of "listening" to the people is getting advice from his wealthy counterparts or "backing" with the likes of White Supremacist groups, Jesse Ventura (conspiracy theory net worth $6 million), Willie Robertson (Duck Dynasty net worth $20 million), (Shawn Hannity (Conservative radio personality net worth $35 million) Putin, Carl Ichan (corporate raider net worth 21 Billion), Sarah Palin (ex VP Candidate net worth $12 million), Veterans for a Strong America (has $30 in cash on hand, and $318 in debts. run by Joel Arends. It has been reported that Veterans for a Strong America is part of a "broader independent campaign by nonprofits linked to former Koch brothers operative Sean Noble," who runs the political consulting firm DC London. The group was formerly registered as a tax-exempt 501(c) ("social welfare") non-profit organization, but the group's status was automatically revoked by the IRS in August 2015 because it failed to submit tax reporting documents (Form 990s) for three years in a row. The group is appealing the decision. He previously worked as the South Dakota field director for the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign and as a consultant to the Americans for Prosperity group, affiliated with the Koch brothers. VSA has been described as a dark money group).
“I play to people’s fantasies,” Trump writes in “The
Art of the Deal,” his 1987 memoir. “I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an
innocent form of exaggeration and a very effective form of promotion.” His
life is NOT our life, he will continue a life of excess and supporting his
Wealthy "Backers." No, he did not need their money but he needs their Support; trust me, they will be "Rewarded" as in "The Art of the Deal."
Trump's Needs: He has money, a sexy, obedient, immigrant wife, children to continue the "Business & Legacy" now what? His ultimate Goal is Power NOT Service! He has said he does NOT forget. Is he getting "even" for being called out at the 2011 White House Correspondent's Dinner when President Obama focused on Trump joking about his theories about the president's birth certificate? President Obama quipped: "Now, I know that Trump's taken some flak lately, but no one is prouder to put this birth certificate to rest than "The Donald." Now he can get to focusing on the issues that matter, like, did we fake the moon landing? What really happened at Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?"
Trump's Needs: He has money, a sexy, obedient, immigrant wife, children to continue the "Business & Legacy" now what? His ultimate Goal is Power NOT Service! He has said he does NOT forget. Is he getting "even" for being called out at the 2011 White House Correspondent's Dinner when President Obama focused on Trump joking about his theories about the president's birth certificate? President Obama quipped: "Now, I know that Trump's taken some flak lately, but no one is prouder to put this birth certificate to rest than "The Donald." Now he can get to focusing on the issues that matter, like, did we fake the moon landing? What really happened at Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?"
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